The Rule of 15 in Social Media
Social media is ever growing in popularity and many industries are jumping on board to spread their word in the digital realm. Companies rush to sign up to Google+, or Facebook, or Twitter, etc., but what's the next step? Most are not really sure on how to best utilize this new technology and there is really no definite method available on how to keep people engaged.
Rule of 15 Distribution (opens new window)
Personally, I have been using a technique that I've picked up along the way called the Rule of 15. The Rule of 15 is a very formulaic approach to social media interaction. It is based on the concept that for every 15 social media mentions put out by the company, %66 percent (10) are references from outside the company, 24.44% (4) are references from the company, and 4.44% (1) is a calls-to-action reference.
A call to action is a reference that is specifically targeted to get social media followers to participate in a company event or cause. This could range from voting, to attending an event, to donations, or basically anything the company is promoting.
This method is still new, as are most social media practices, and I am personally testing it out and tracking the analytics to determine its effectiveness (i.e. tracking the amount of unique click-throughs, the amount of reposts/retweets, the amount of followers gained, and the level of participation for the call-to-action).
# Outside
The concept of sending out social media mentions from outside the company is based on generating a connection with your audience. A tweet, retweet, posting, repost or mention about an event, news, ideas, etc., gets people interested on what you have to say. It could be some random reference that other people are interested in and it draws that person to you based on your common interest. The reason why a majority of the method is based on building this bond is much like getting to know a new friend. You share interests and you build a bond based on those interests.
# Yourself
The concept of referencing yourself lets others know more about you and your company. This is another way to build rapport. I consider this the largest leap in the method, because you are building trust with your follower. Trust is difficult to maintain and if your followers do not mesh with your thinking, you may lose them.
# Calls-to-Action
The final reference is the calls-to-action. Once other people feel comfortable about you, they are more likely to take part in what you are promoting. For a definitive look into Calls-to-Actions, read Corey Eridon's article on 13 Sloppy Mistakes You're Making With Calls-to-Action (opens new window).
You have shared your interest (10), let them know who you are and what you stand for (4), and you have asked them to support your cause (1).
The trick, however, is to find the correct pacing for your audience. Bombard them with stuff and they may be turned off. Sparsely sent and you will lose their interest. The pacing will be determined by how connected your core audience is to social media. Personally, I pace myself to 15 per 5-day period. Sometimes several times a day, but no more than 15 for that time span.
I'd love to get reactions on this method and if it works for you.
Good luck and happy tweeting!