[Friday Links] The SOPA Edition
This was a big week for online censorship, the bill nicknamed SOPA (opens new window) has been put on hold. After a widespread online protest (opens new window), support for the bill dropped (opens new window). Although this is not the first attempt to squash freedom online, it has become the most visible in the main stream media. It is just another battle in the war to uphold the freedom the Internet was built on. The links this week are intermixed with SOPA content, enjoy them all because you can (while you still can).
- Sharpen a Paper Shredder with Tin Foil [Clever Uses] (opens new window)
- The Ice Cream Sandwich Desktop [Featured Desktop] (opens new window)
- Apple Releases iBooks 2, iTunes U, and iBooks Author for Interactive Textbooks [IBooks] (opens new window)
- iBoostUp Cleans Out Your Mac's System File Clutter in a Minute [Video] (opens new window)
- SOPA and PIPA Have Been Pulled (For Now) [Sopa] (opens new window)
- A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design (opens new window)
- Amazon recommendation network (opens new window)
- Impress.js - Create presentations with open web standards (opens new window)
- Watching "wtf Wikipedia" as SOPA/PIPA blackout begins (opens new window)
- 13 of the Best Hosted CMSs (opens new window)
- TED: Clay Shirky: Why SOPA is a bad idea - Clay Shirky (2012) (opens new window)
- Free Video: Installing Ruby (opens new window)
- How We Built Code Racer in 4 Days (opens new window)
- Capitol Hill Sled Run (opens new window)
- SOPA opposition surges (opens new window)
- Don't censor the web (opens new window)
- Top 11 #highered websites ranked by EDU Checkup scores (opens new window)
- There's a Smartphone Inside (opens new window)
- Google Analytics Cross Domain Tracking Made Easy (opens new window)
- Susan Talbert Evans Blog - I can share mine. #casesmc 2012 (opens new window)
- Why you should ask your vendors for an ROI analysis breakdown (opens new window)
- 2011 Focus Group Review (opens new window)
- Social media policies (opens new window)
- Introducing Detector: Combining Browser- & Feature-Detection for Your Web App (opens new window)
- Using New Media Tools to Promote Faculty Research (opens new window)
- The 2012 State of the Mobile Web in Higher Ed - Take the survey, get the results (opens new window)
- The Best Video Streaming and Live Conversion App for Mac OS X [Video] (opens new window)
- Budget Calender from Budget For Change (opens new window)
- 25 Corporate Websites for Design Inspiration (opens new window)
- Updated: Two ways to use a smartphone to log in to Google on a PC (opens new window)
- Building Twitter Bootstrap (opens new window)
- Five Best Wallpaper Sites [Hive Five] (opens new window)