[Friday Links] The New Year Edition
Hopefully you had a relaxing break because it's time to dive back in! Below are the insights, tools and opinions I have found useful over the past week and I hope you do to. Enjoy!
- Why we don't hire programmers based on puzzles, API quizzes, math riddles, or other parlor tricks (opens new window)
- Where people are looking for homes (opens new window)
- Seven UX Best Practices of Community Design (opens new window)
- Initializr – Responsive Template (opens new window)
- Higher Ed Marketing - #highered web design: How far have we come? (opens new window)
- you can’t outsource authenticity. (opens new window)
- Social Media Guides for Content Creation (opens new window)
- UI Toolkit: 300 Resources for Only $8 (opens new window)
- TED: A.J. Jacobs: How healthy living nearly killed me - A.J. Jacobs (2011) (opens new window)
- STUDY: Poorly Designed Open Offices Are Sources Of Major Distraction (And Ways To Reduce It) (opens new window)
- The Management Team - While Building Product (opens new window)
- On creating a hassle (opens new window)
- Trading in your pain (opens new window)
- My resolution: Be a better manager (opens new window)
- Planning an Effective Social Media Strategy (opens new window)
- Responsive Multi Column Data Tables (opens new window)
- See How Many People Replied to Your Emails This Year [Email] (opens new window)
- 5 New Google Analytics Features You’ll Love to Use (opens new window)
- Make a Cheap Teleprompter for Your LCD Monitor, iPad, or Other Tablet [Video] (opens new window)
- The Customer Support Chat App I dream of... (opens new window)