Welcome Shaun Pezeshki, our new full time Web developer
It's my great pleasure to announce our newest full time developer, Shaun Pezeshki (opens new window). Shaun's name should sound familiar to you, he has worked as a student assistant in our department for the last few years. Shaun will be taking the place that Nick West left vacant (opens new window); he has some big shoes to fill.
The search took longer than we expected but I am confident we found the right person for the job. Hiring from within has been a pattern in our department. Almost all of our staff started out as a student assistant and moved their way up to full time. We pride ourselves as a teaching department and Shaun is just another example of that. Changing his major countless times (really not our fault), we took him from someone who had a mild interest in the Web to a fully fledged Web rock star. We are honored to have him join our staff.
# Some things Shaun has impacted
- Academic Success Center tutoring reservation system (opens new window)
- Student Senate website (opens new window)
- Blackstone Launchpad website (opens new window)
- Office of Development newsletter subscription (opens new window)
- Division of Research website (opens new window)
- Online Programs website (opens new window)
- Scholars Day website (opens new window)
- Human Resources website (opens new window)
- Keith Center website (opens new window)
- Law School news center (opens new window)
- Student Service Center website (opens new window)
- Living Green website (opens new window)
- Explore Detroit website (opens new window)
- Office of the Provost website (opens new window)
- Physics and Astronomy website (not launched yet)
- Planetarium website (not launched yet)
- School of Business website (opens new window)
- School of Library and Information Science website (opens new window)
- And many more..
Often pulling the weight of a full time developer as you can see by his (massive) involvement above, we wouldn't be where we are today without him. Shaun brings to the table a new perspective and eye to the Web as a recent graduate. I was reminded of this by Susan Evans (opens new window) in a recent post on her blog. In the post, Watch out for the 20-somethings on the job (opens new window), Susan gives her first hand experience with millennials and how much recent graduates have to offer. I can say confidently that Susan's interactions are in line with ours.
I am confident you will be hearing a lot from Shaun in the next few months. He has been put on a few high profile projects that are due to launch soon. Feel free to congratulate him below or on Twitter, I'm sure he would enjoy it. 😃