Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Today@Wayne - Coming to your inbox every morning

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We are happy to announce the second phase of the Today@Wayne (opens new window) roll out, an email edition. If you are an employee of Wayne State you have been seeing it in your inbox the past few weeks.

Above you will see a gallery of the first batch of emails that have gone out. The email is a mini version of the website with a few tweaks.

# Benefits of the email

  • It's waiting for you every morning in your inbox
  • Same featured story as the website
  • A new photo every day
  • A new video every day
  • Inclusion of a featured event each day
  • A list of where WSU is featured "In the News"
  • Athletic scores (coming soon)
  • Allows anyone off campus to subscribe

# Anyone can subscribe

We are also opening up subscriptions to outside campus. Students, Alumni, Parents, anyone who is interested in a daily snapshot of campus can get it delivered every morning.

Subscribe at: http://wayne.edu/today/subscribe/ (opens new window)

# Submissons

We are always looking for great stories and events happing around campus. We get alerted about a lot of them automatically but are always open to and encourage submissions. If you have something to submit please send us an email (web@wayne.edu) with a title, description and a link where we can find more information. We will review each request to determine if and when it is appropriate to be included in the email.

# Next phase of the roll out

Today@Wayne is always evolving. We get a lot of complaints about the quantity of emails that get sent out each day. We are working to solve that with the next phase of the Today@Wayne roll out. Instead of everyone on campus getting the same email each day we will be customizing the email to fit every individual. Based on campus role, faculty, staff, administration, etc, instead of getting ten emails a day, they will all be consolidated in to a new section in Today@Wayne. This will reduce the amount of email in your inbox and give control back to the user about which messages to read.