[Friday Links] The Baby Edition
Yes, it's true, me and my beautiful wife (opens new window) welcomed our first child in to the world this week. On Halloween to be exact, Cecilia Grace DeNardis (opens new window) was born at 2pm. It has been a pretty busy week as you can imagine and I am looking forward to some time off to spend with them. While I'm out I'll still be posting, I'm actually very behind in site launches and staff changes around here. Look for those posts soon, while you're waiting enjoy these links of the week.
- Web inSites Episode 8: Confidentiality of Information (opens new window)
- What good interview questions are actually trying to discover (opens new window)
- CHIFOO: First Person User Interfaces (opens new window)
- Quick little UI feedback tip (opens new window)
- Google Chrome's Newest Beta Enables Multiple Accounts [Updates] (opens new window)
- An accessible, keyboard friendly custom select menu (opens new window)
- Naked & Friendly
- Evolution of a Logo Animation (opens new window)
- University of Michigan-Flint: UI Designer/Front-end Developer (opens new window)
- HTML5 dumps TIME element (opens new window)
- A Call for ::nth-everything (opens new window)
- Centering in the Unknown (opens new window)
- JSON as an API tool and why it’s awesome. (opens new window)
- Framework for Designing for Multiple Devices (opens new window)
- You can't outsource obsession. (opens new window)
- Rethinking location-based services (opens new window)
- Lessons learned from HighEdWeb 2011 Conference (opens new window)
- How we got to a population of 7 billion (opens new window)
- Quick Overview of User Experience for Web Designers (opens new window)
- Halloween 2011 Roundup (opens new window)
- The fall reading list (opens new window)
- Retrospective on the Design and Philosophy of Firefox (opens new window)
- Why I Take Sketch Breaks Instead of Internet Surfing [Mind Hacks] (opens new window)
- Halloween Colors: Where Did They Come From? (opens new window)
- Happy Halloween! (opens new window)
- Multi-Device Web Design: An Evolution (opens new window)
- Dark Patterns: Deception vs. Honesty in UI Design (opens new window)
- Expanding Text Areas Made Elegant (opens new window)
- what a johnny cash cover band can teach us about project management. (opens new window)
- Google Reader Rolls Out a New, Clean, Google Plus-Integrated Interface [Updates] (opens new window)
- Teaching: A Community Approach (opens new window)
- If committees told the truth (opens new window)
- The Impressive New Google Plus Feature Every Social Network Needs To Copy (opens new window)
- The Power of Design & Data Visualization (opens new window)
- Advanced Google Analytics - Tips and Tricks (opens new window)
- How to get a job with a small company (opens new window)
- All the Mobile Presentations From HighEdWeb 2011 (opens new window)
- Best statistics question ever (opens new window)
- Photos from the Poster Session #heweb11 (opens new window)