Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Launch: Michigan Area Health Education Center (MI-AHEC) website

We recently launched the Michigan Area Health Education Center (MI-AHEC) (opens new window) website. This is a completely new site for a brand new center housed at our School of Medicine (opens new window).

The center is growing as we speak which made the task of launching a website tough, everything needed to be planned for future unknown expansion. The administration of the center will be housed at Wayne State but the regional centers will be scattered throughout the state and serve different populations.

# Architecture

We decided on a centralized brand that carried through the main and regional center sites. Each regional center will eventually be treated as a stand alone site with the overall brand but will have its own uniqueness. Since only one of the regions would be up for launch we kept the design minimal which allows for growth based on needs.

# Design

Since the center is brand new the design and overall feel of the site was started with the definition of the MI-AHEC "brand". I'm not a huge fan of the word brand but I am using it here to illustrate the look being implemented across multiple mediums. The branding was created by the publications department and we adapted it to fit the needs of the website.

# Goals of the site

The Michigan Area Health Education Center (MI-AHEC) was established in 2010 to improve access to clinical education in primary care urban and rural settings for all Michigan residents.

Aligning with the overall mission of the center we put emphasis on the different populations the website serves. Showing photos of the population so visitors could connect on a personal level and a promotions area that the user can take action on. A driving force for the website is to bring awareness to the problem and ultimately for the public to contribute  financially to the cause.

View the Michigan Area Health Education Center (MI-AHEC) website at: http://miahec.wayne.edu/ (opens new window)