[Friday Links] The Upnorth Edition
This last weekend I spent some time upnorth Michigan getting my parents house ready for the summer. In the mean time I was able to get some down time (without reliable internet or phone service) to catch up on my reading and rss feeds. 4000+ items later I came up with a list I am excited to share with you all. A lot of great things have been happening on the web in the past few weeks. Here is just a snapshot of the things you shouldn't be missing.
- Mobilism: jQuery Mobile (opens new window)
- Leaflet - a modern, lightweight JavaScript library for interactive maps by CloudMade (opens new window)
- Twitter Isn’t Always Right: The Honda Story
- 5 things you shouldn’t be doing in social media (opens new window)
- Building Mobile Web Apps the Right Way: Tips and Techniques (opens new window)
- 8th graders make awesome Net neutrality explainer (opens new window)
- Real time vs. slow time – and a defense of sane work hours (opens new window)
- 21 Productive Things Designers Can Do with Down Time (opens new window)
- Retro Packaging: Doritos Taco (opens new window)
- Give Away Some Code (opens new window)
- Google Traceur (opens new window)
- Over or Under? The Science of Toilet Paper Orientation (opens new window)
- Forget passion, focus on process (opens new window)
- Podcast with Ryan about managing design (opens new window)
- Usability Testing With Card Sorting (opens new window)
- Responsive Data Tables (opens new window)
- Font sizing with rem (opens new window)
- College Web Editor - Kristina Halvorson on #highered Content Challenges: top 3 things to do for better higher ed web content (opens new window)
- Installing the W3C Markup Validator on Mac OS X (opens new window)
- Video: Designing for Today's Web (opens new window)
- May 26th meeting is about PhoneGap! (opens new window)
- 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (opens new window)
- 9 Great Alternatives to Skype for VoIP and Video Chat (opens new window)
- 6 Things Great Remote Managers Do Differently (opens new window)
- 8 Things They Don’t Tell You About Being a Web Designer (opens new window)
- How to Fix the 5 Most Common Mistakes with Focus Groups (opens new window)
- Courses - Google Code University - Google Code (opens new window)
- 40 Impressive Email Newsletter Designs for Your Inspiration (opens new window)
- Continuous integration for PHP with phpUnderControl - Recursive Design (opens new window)
- CoffeeScript: The Cool Parts — Teach Me To Code (opens new window)
- Google Goggles Is Really Good at Turning Business Cards into Digital Contacts with Your Phone's Camera [Timesavers] (opens new window)
- What's high school for? (opens new window)
- Design Principles: The Philosophy of UX (opens new window)
- Responsive Web Design Articles, Tutorials & Guides (opens new window)
- Understanding Designer-Developer Workflow (opens new window)