Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Launch: ArtsCorpsDetroit

Last week we launched the ArtsCorpsDetroit website (opens new window). A new site out of the Honors College (opens new window) to bring attention to the service learning projects available through the school.

# Overall design

The overall design was based on a newspaper format that highlighted photos and projects as "stories". The goal is to give the visitor an impression of the breath of service learning projects going on at the institution. Service learning isn't just reading to elementary school students, our students are doing that plus making physical changes to the environment around us. Having just a single central spotlight wasn't going to convey that.

The ArtsCorpsDetroit logo was existing and they had a color pallet that went along with it. We incorporated all their current branding into the new site so visitors felt like they landed at the right place.

# Information and goals

This isn't a large site, actually it has ~20 pages, but what is on those pages is important. Making it easy to find out what service learning is, what courses and projects are available and how to get involved needed to be easy. Filling the site with endless menu items or super long pages isn't going to help that goal.

Pages are short, calls to action are prominent and the photos give the visitor a sense to need to explore the site more. If they are interested but don't want to take action just yet we allow them to signup via email for project and site updates.

View the ArtsCorpsDetroit website at: http://artscorpsdetroit.wayne.edu/ (opens new window)