Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Welcome Marie West! Filling in for Jenn Di Sano.

A few months ago I put out a call for a temporary Web content ninja (opens new window). After a few interviews we found a perfect fit. This week Marie West (opens new window) started taking Jenn Di Sano's place while she is on maternity. She has some big shoes to fill, but we think she is up for the challenge.

Marie comes to our department from the undergraduate admissions office (opens new window) where she was a student assistant helping answer e-mails and phone calls. She graduated two semesters ago from Wayne State with a computer science degree. She is very familiar with the university, admissions process and the needs of our students.

# Some of Marie's responsibilities will include

  • Working with existing clients on their website architecture
  • Transitioning and editing content to make it web friendly for existing projects
  • Meet with new departments around campus to determine their website needs
  • Be a project manager to keep all existing project on schedule
  • Read all references to Wayne State on the Web, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and take appropriate action
  • Read all alerts of the latest news, events and press releases posted throughout the university during the day and determine the most appropriate locations to promote
  • Make sure events, news, promotions on wayne.edu and the digital signs across campus are populated
  • Train the campus community how to use the CMS, events calendar and other internal tools

I have a feeling you will interact with Marie at some point in the coming months, she may even be the one contacting you. Make sure you give her a friendly welcome and don't hesitate to ask for assistance.