[Friday Links] The Budget Edition
This week president Gilmour discussed how the potential budget reductions to Wayne State would impact the university (video (opens new window)). He talked a lot about customer experience, reducing redundancy and working at doing our best work.
The links this week play to all of these values. Hope you enjoy.
- Exclusive interview with Seth Godin (opens new window)
- Conquering the new Facebook wall (opens new window)
- Tick Tock: what would you do if you had five minutes to live? (opens new window)
- Four Aesthetically Pleasing University Facebook Pages
- Podcast: The New York Times Joins Colleges to Create Online Courses (opens new window)
- 'The Student Poverty Song' (opens new window)
- How Recent Changes to Twitter's Terms of Service Might Hurt Academic Research (opens new window)
- Lake Superior Ice Wall (opens new window)
- Traffic Sign FAIL (opens new window)
- MailStore Home Is the Easiest Email Backup Tool We've Seen [Downloads] (opens new window)
- Flow Brings All of Facebook's Missing Features to Android [Downloads] (opens new window)
- Keep Glass from Fogging Up with a Bit of Shaving Cream [MacGyver Tip] (opens new window)
- How to Dramatically Speed Up Your Web Application - An Introduction to memcached (opens new window)
- CodeIgniter Sparks | The Package Manager and Repository (opens new window)
- Customer service on Twitter (opens new window)
- Call to Action Buttons Best Practices Guide - UX Movement (opens new window)
- Awesome HTML5 Dashboard
- iOS UI Patterns (beta) (opens new window)
- Scaling A JavaScript Codebase (opens new window)
- Tempo :: The tiny JSON rendering engine by TwigKit (opens new window)
- VIDEO: Above: Dave Gray talks to Jason about design… (opens new window)
- How an Illinois rest stop inspired a web page (opens new window)
- jQuery Mobile Alpha 3 released (opens new window)
- College Students on the Web (opens new window)
- Folders vs Subdomains vs ccTLD in International SEO - An Overview (opens new window)
- Why restaurant websites are so bad (opens new window)
- Introducing Student Affairs Live with Eric Stoller (opens new window)
- A WikiLeaks Clone Takes On Higher Education (opens new window)
- Reed College Seeks to Stop Copycat Web Site (opens new window)
- Instagram Desktop Version, Built with the API (opens new window)
- HTML5 Validator extension updates (opens new window)
- Google Changes Algorithm to Punish Content Farms (opens new window)
- Sans-Serif (opens new window)
- Chiclets Are Not a Communication Strategy (opens new window)
- A linchpin hierarchy (opens new window)