Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Launch: Online Programs Website

This week we launched a new portion of the Educational Outreach (opens new window) website called Online Programs (opens new window).

The Online Programs website is a warehouse for the programs at Wayne State with online activity. The goal is for someone looking for online educational material to get it all in one spot. Since the programs are disbursed throughout different schools/colleges this is the only place to compare the programs side by side.

# Design

The overall look of the site is based off the style of the Educational Outreach site although it diverges more than the others since it doesn't have any related departments. The other Educational Outreach websites have a global navigation to link to related areas, we replaced that menu with just a link since online programs can relate to any school or college on campus.

The homepage focuses on new programs with a large promotional area. These new programs are getting introduced on a monthly basis and we want to tell the world about them. Secondly we added separate spotlights on students and faculty. Due to the nature of online classes it is hard to get a grasp of who will be teaching you and your classmates. The Online Programs office is gathering and publishing these spotlights to extend the in-class atmosphere online.

# Architecture

Since the Online Programs office primarily connects students with the school/college/department running the program the site is purely a resource center for prospective students. The navigation and pages walk a student through the discovery, admission, requirements and resources of each program. They also put a large emphasis on determining if an online program or classes is right for the student. Not all students have the skills or dedication it takes to be successful in an online class. They make sure the student knows what is expected of them to ensure success.

View the Online Programs website at: http://online.wayne.edu/ (opens new window)