Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Realign: One Minute Scholar

Due to circumstances beyond our control the previous site named One Minute Professor (opens new window) website is now called One Minute Scholar (opens new window).  We gave the site a visual overhaul, changing the background and elements on the site to a more classroom/lab look to better fit the content.

The premise is the same, our own Wayne State University scientific gurus explaining some of the world’s greatest mysteries, with a one minute video.  Some of the topics covered are "Brain Freeze",  static electricity and how a taser gun works.  Our professors are hard at work solving more mysteries, one minute at a time with more to come.

The videos are supposed to be quirky and interesting to junior high and high school students. They are all hosted on YouTube (opens new window) but pulled into the site as a continuous series. Most of the videos are inspired by user generated topic suggestions so we wanted to ensure the suggest button has enough prominence.

Don't forget to Suggest A Topic (opens new window) and check out the new look at http://wayne.edu/oneminutescholar/ (opens new window).