Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Wayne State University digital signage - First look

(opens new window)Recently, marketing was put in charge of designing and programming the templates of what will be displayed on the TV monitors all over campus. We "whiteboard wireframed" some initial ideas and then started implementing some initial basic templates for the signs.   We have met with the campus community, who will be hosting the signs and took notes on what they thought was important to display on the various digital signs on campus.

Here is the most requested things to display, from the campus community so far:  events, news, promote featured events with imagery, live TV, photo galleries, weather and date/time.  We have made some quick templates to play with spacing and size of all the elements. As we progress further with the design and structure, we will keep you updated as we roll out the new templates.

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Let us know if you have any other ideas of what you would like to see on the digital signage by commenting in the reply box.