Mobile device usage
Inspired by Mike Nolan's post over on the Edge Hill University Web Services blog (opens new window) I decided to give everyone an insight into the mobile device usage for (opens new window).
# Mobile devices for the past month
Now this is just for (opens new window) and not all the sub sites under it so the numbers are deceiving. Also, this is for the last 30 days, May 15-June 14, 2010. In addition, these numbers are a little low because less students are on campus for the summer semester. But this may give us better insight into how our site is being accessed from off campus.
As you can see the iPhone has most of the mobile traffic with Android trailing close behind. If you combine the iPhone and iPod usage it accounts for over 53 percent of all mobile web traffic. That's a lot and for that fact alone it is where we are focusing our mobile web initiatives.
# Mobile access trends for the past eight months
(view more detailed trends) (opens new window)
Mobile access is growing fast and it doesn't look like it will stop. We don't want to just make sure our web content is accessible from these devices but we also want to deliver our content in context. For example, if you are viewing this blog from a mobile device the formatting is completely changed to enhance your reading and navigation experience.
Over the next few months we will be posting more about our mobile initiatives for and other areas of the Wayne State web.
Disclaimer: The graphs and data are straight from Google Analyics they don't include any of our external mobile tracking.